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Saturday, February 21, 2015

How You Can Reclaim Your Time

"Where did all the time go?"

Have you ever found yourself asking that question? It's always a question with at least a hint of regret. It's always accompanied with a wish that you had enjoyed the moments more fully.


It's the one thing we can't get back once it's gone.

Time is constantly moving, constantly going. Each moment is here briefly, and then is gone forever. Once a moment is gone, you can't get it back.

And as many blessings as they give us, there's nothing in our lives that wastes our time more than our gadgets.

How many hours have you wasted on your iPhone...on your Xbox...on Facebook...watching Netflix...playing games...browsing...doing everything you can to be distracted and not enjoy the present moment? I know I've done all those things.

Are there moments you wish you could have back? Maybe spending more time with that friend...being more present with your grandparents...getting off your phone so you can enjoy this moment with your daughter who just needs your attention.

Perhaps we need a break.

Understand, I'm not advocating that we burn all of our technology and live like the Amish (Although someday I may!). What I am doing, is giving you a few ideas for fitting "Tech Breaks" into your schedule so you can more fully enjoy each present moment.

Here are a few:

  1. Check the TechSet specific times to turn everything off and be fully present in the physical world. Two good times are mealtimes and bedtime.
  2. Stop being Pushy. Turn off "push alerts." This way you choose when you check updates, and are not constantly interrupted by apps. You will be amazed at how much less you check Facebook/Email/etc.
  3. Silence is Golden. Silence your phone when spending time with people. Give your full attention to your family and friends.
  4. Travel light, Live light. "Prune" your tech. What apps/gadgets do you really need? What can you get rid of? The more purposeful we are with our technology, the more focused we can be in relationships and other responsibilities.
  5. Digital Detox. We've reached a point when food shouldn't be the only option for fasting. Many of us are addicted to technology, and should seriously consider taking a 3 day, weeklong, or several months long detox.

Pick one of these boundaries, and see what happens when you implement it into your schedule.

Don't let yourself live in such a way that you are always asking, "Where did all the time go?"


Evan Smith

is a Pastor currently living in Phoenix, AZ. He majored in New Testament Studies at Ozark Christian College. Born and raised in Texas, he grew up the third-born of 7 kids and loved (almost) every minute of it! He is happily married to his high school sweetheart, Breanna, and has two wonderful kids, Hannah Joy and Peter. More than anything, Evan wants to be a man who is marked by a hunger for God.

The God who came, still comes. The God who spoke, still speaks.”

Evan's Website

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