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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

10 Passages That Will Challenge Your Understanding of Grace

It is so easy for us to forget the love that first called us. It is so easy to get a little worn down by the culture around us... how much more does it hurt when other Christians hurt us? Life is hard.

It is even harder when living with a faulty understanding of grace. And so many of us do. Somewhere in the middle of the mess of our Christianity is Jesus and He is destroying the lies we have so often believed about Him.

It's amazing what happens when we put aside everything we have always been taught about the Scriptures and let the Scriptures speak for themselves.

Now, in no way am I saying there is not a place for exposition. My personal area of closest study is in hermeneutics (that is: the art and science of explaining and pulling meaning out of ancient texts, the interpretation of texts). But the number one rule of a good hermeneutic is asking, "What does the text plainly say?"

Sadly it is the rule that we most overlook.

So today, in place of a blog on some spiritual principle, theological issue, or my own exposition on Scripture I offer this collection of 10 passages that I hope you will read and think about.

Pray through these passages.

Wrestle with them.

Let them speak.

And let them challenge every part of you.