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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Learning How To Worship: Psalm 19

The great author, C.S. Lewis, once said of Psalm 19 that it was by far "the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world."

One of the most profound philosophers to ever live, Immanuel Kant, marveled at the starry heavens above and the moral law within and noted that "both echo this truth of this psalm, because both reveal God's glory."

Any time I come to this psalm it forces me to think through all of the things the writer references. How often have I taken for granted the world around me?
How often have I missed the beauty of the sun rising "like a great athlete eager to run a race"?
I chose to focus our attention on this psalm today in hopes that we will learn to worship God in the every day things, because as the psalmist goes on they point us to the Word of the LORD, or the Laws of God.

Spurgeon comments regarding this psalm as a response of David and his particular study of God's two great books: nature and Torah, saying,
[David] had so thoroughly entered into the spirit of these two only volumes in his library that he was able with a devout criticism to compare and contrast them, magnifying the excellency of the Author as seen in both. He is wisest who reads both the world-book, and the Word-book as two volumes of the same work, and feels concerning them, "My Father wrote them both."

In Psalm 19, God transcends any box of understanding I could possibly try to trap Him in.
Yet, He is immanently revealing Himself in the most paradoxical, wonderful, mysterious, and intimate of ways.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Learning How to Worship: Psalm 12

Words are weapons.

Depending on who wields them determines if they are used for destruction or protection.  The world uses words to destroy because that is its’ identity. John’s Gospel paints the world as what Jesus came to save and yet the world remains in darkness because that is what it loves (John 3:16-20). Words from the world communicate a message to trap people into a mold they do not belong in. This mold turns humans into creatures who boast and are full of lies and lust. The world cannot create people who protect because the world remains in the darkness.  The words of God however, create people who bring life and love into the world.

Psalm 12 is a lament, and it is the first lament where God speaks.

Eight laments have already passed by the time the reader reaches this one and God has remained silent. The psalmist has pealed with God for help over and over again with no response. All the psalmist has is the confidence in God’s character.

Yet, this psalm is different.

God speaks.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Learning How to Worship: Psalm 8

Today I will be starting a new series of posts that will last a few weeks, specifically on the book of Psalms. This is for a class assignment that I am working on, but nonetheless one I wanted to share with everyone who visits our site frequently. I'm calling it "Learning How to Worship" since this book has historically been a collection of poems, prayers, and songs that were addressed to and about God.

Today to start us off will be a thought on Psalm 8.


Psalm 8 opens with the lines, “Oh LORD, our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens.” It is at its very core and expression of praise, an adoration of worship. I think there is a lot we can learn as a culture about God, about His church, and about His creation from this psalm alone. My boss has always said that it is sad and increasingly sad that we save our best praises for sports teams and not for our creator. This psalm, written by David for a worshipful environment has rich theology about God and man’s place in God’s universe bookended by these statements of adoration and worship. 

“Oh LORD, our Lord…” The name of God and who He is by His very own nature our Lord, our King, our ruler, begins and shapes this cry of love.

Charles Spurgeon commentates on this opening and closing line in his famous work, The Treasury of David, which I will be using a lot during this study, 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Love Where You Live

A hefty critique on our culture. A hard but much needed message.

"...Think about it! What are we going to do? Who’s going to speak up?” -Judges 19:30 NLT

August 16, 2015 from River Run Church on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015