Looking for Something?

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Daily Fight

Today, as you are faced again with your weakness, remember that the Holy Spirit lives within you with powerful, enabling grace.

What does that mean?
What does that look like?

It means because of what Jesus did, we have power to to overcome the things we struggle with.
I'm not just talking about sin.
I'm talking about the things in this life that hold us back from our fullest potential. The things that consume our minds, that make us feel inadequate or unworthy of living differently.

The Gospel attacks feelings of inadequacies, hurts, doubts, insecurities... Oh they may still be around, but their power is cut. Their stranglehold on how I live is loosened. The pit they try to force me into has been filled.

The Gospel says, it doesn't matter how terrible life may make me feel. Because, in Jesus, that isn't reality any longer.

Friends, today, when you wake up again with the same feeling of worthlessness, when you feel underappreciated at work, when you feel too stupid to accomplish the task at school, when you are confused, when you are hurt, when someone violently attacks you whether physically or verbally... When you think all hope of anything good is all lost...
Remember the Gospel that undercuts everything in this life and reminds us that this is not our home.

I'm with you in this today. I'm living this right here. Right now. I'm attacking my own feelings of inadequacy. I'm wrestling with my own thoughts of, "Now what?!"

I'm attacking by using the message of Jesus. I'm looking forward to that glorious day. I'm looking for extra opportunities to actively love my neighbor.

Because I know how the story ends.


Nathan Bryant

is a pastor living in Phoenix, AZ. As a student at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri he majored in Biblical Leadership, New Testament Studies, and Missiology. Nathan has a combined passion for unity and discipleship in the global church.

Christ's Kingdom is bigger than our causes.
Christ's Kingdom is bigger than our boundaries.

Follow him on Twitter:

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