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Thursday, October 10, 2013

His ways, not our ways

"Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55: 6-9

This passage seems like such a small thing. A simple statement that the creator is above the created, and it right to seek after him.

Yet, as with most simple truths, there is so much more to it than that.

First, this passage starts with the abundant forgiveness offered by our God. Abundantly pardon is the words used. We know pardon is to forgive, to remove from record the wrongs you have committed. A prisoner pardoned of their crimes is immediately released, and no longer faulted for the crimes committed. But God takes it even farther, this isn't just a pardon offered here. God abundantly pardons. That means a large amount, and excess of pardon. Not only are we pardoned for the sins we have committed when we turn to God, but also any we have thought of committing, or will commit. God doesn't do anything small, remember, we are talking about the one that spoke the entire universe into being.

Next is the big one. His thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not our ways. God is above us. He sees and understands things we couldn't even fathom if they were put in the plainest terms. Now rationally speaking, anyone who believes in a God who created the universe knows this, no matter how intelligent we may think we are, we realize that we know so little about how things really work, much less how to create it all in the first place, or how to keep it running.

Yet how many times to we find ourselves confused at why God would allow something to happen? Or perhaps angry thinking we know a better way? Where do we get it in our heads that we even know the difference between right and wrong? Our perspective is all mixed up. We see things on such a small scale. Our minds, limited as they are can only really show us the right now. One moment at a time. Now with learning and practice we can look back and see things on a larger scale, how perhaps small events shaped bigger ones, but even the best of us fall short when trying to apply that to the future. We can't see how the small events of right now shape the grander picture down the road. We are forced to take it one moment at a time. What planning we do achieve is imperfect and subject to so many variables outside of our control.

And that is all ok. In fact, God designed us that way. We were designed to trust Him. To rely on our creator to plan our future and provide. Perspective is so important. No matter what situation we face, no matter how uncertain the future seems to us, or even how dark events in the world seem to be. Remember that God is working on a board much to large for us to comprehend.  What may look wrong to us on the smaller scale we can witness may be a mercy on the larger scale. Our God is just, righteous, and faithful. If we seek Him, everything else will be taken care of.

So the next time you turn on the news to hear of some horrific tragedy, or even just hear a little about what is going on in our government or another around the world., don't let it stress you. Our God is working everything for His purpose, and all His ways are just.


Kirk Curtis

Seeks to surrender completely to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ daily. Kirk has a passion for missions and reaching the world for Christ in a dramatic way. Committed to Bible study and restoring the life of the church through age specific ministry, Kirk spends hours a week mentoring youth and serving college age ministry programs. His postings are his devotional reflections on Scripture. Kirk enjoys the outdoors and adventure, wherever and whenever. He can make the most ordinary chore a fun activity.
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