Looking for Something?

Thursday, December 27, 2012


I stand at the crossroads, a fork in the road.
Knowing so still that the narrow way is the one...
But both appear so narrow. Yet so wide.
So I thirst for the fountain, which way the springs flow,
but the wind and the rain make it hard to see.
Where are you, O Lord?
I seek, but I cannot find.
Theology breaks it down so I understand,
but what good is it if it is not the Way?

I stand at the crossroads, a fork in the road
Knowing so still that you have called me.
So I hunger for your bread, for you will nourish me,
but the aromas of folly and sin confuse my senses.
Where are you, O Lord?
I seek, but I cannot find.
Doctrine breaks it down so I understand,
but what good is it if it is not the Truth?

I stand at the crossroads, a fork in the road.
Knowing so still that you have a plan for me.
So I strengthen myself, I look at all creation,
but seeing how little I am compared to the mountains,
to the sun, moon, and stars that you breathed into being.
In all of that majesty...
Where are you, O Lord?
I seek, but I cannot find.
Stories from Sunday School break it down so I understand,
but what good is it if it is not the Life?

I stand at the crossroads, a fork in the road.
Not knowing anymore what you are to me.
So I move on my own, and there is where you stop me.
Your word tells me to wait, to stand still, Know that you are God.
But you tell me that I've missed the mark. I've fallen short.
Knowing won't save me, Actions won't save me,
Theology won't save me, Doctrine won't save me.
In desperation, I cry out... Where are you, O Lord!?

And in that instance, I stop, I quit talking, quit thinking,
I listen.
I realize that it was never about me at all.

I stand at the crossroads, a fork in the road,
Asking for the ancient paths, for you were there all along.
It wasn't this way or that, it was straight ahead,
for you are my lamp and my light. You were there with me in the storm.
The Living Water wasn't just for me, it was for the world, the world that you so love.

I stand at the crossroads, a fork in the road,
Listening for Your voice, for you were there all along.
The Word becoming flesh, just to speak to us all.
To communicate love. You were there with me in the storm.
The Bread of Life wasn't just for me, it was for all, to remember:
We do not live on bread alone, but on the Word of God.

I stand at the crossroads, a fork in the road,
Realizing that you are my strength, for you were there all along.
I looked to the mountains, but my strength comes not from mountains.
For you alone God, made heaven and earth and mountains.
YOU give strength to the weary. You were there with me in the storm.
You created all mankind fearfully and wonderfully, you breathed into us, life.

I stand at the crossroads, a fork in the road.
Knowing now that all I am, is in you.
So I move with you're guidance,
Salvation calls out to me, and I accept.
Wisdom calls out to me, and I accept.
I'm a new creation, in you alone.
I sought, and did not find,
For my ways are not your ways.
But my joy cannot express how grateful I am that,

O, Lord. I now know where you are.
You are here with us all, even to the end of the age.


It's all about Jesus. It was never about anything else. He needs to become EVERYTHING to us.
He's more than a story
more than words on a page of history
He's the air that we breath
The water we thirst for
And the ground beneath our feet