Looking for Something?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Simple Sunday: Questions

This life is a journey, and everyone's journey matters, especially yours. If you're in Christ, your journey, my journey, your church's journey, my church's journey, a church in the middle of nowhere, a church in the center of somewhere... are all connected, are all a major part of everyone's journeys. Where one suffers, we all suffer, where one rejoices, we all rejoice.
That's community. 
That's the bride of Christ.

But in the midst of this we all have questions, questions we seek the answers for...
"We are all searching for answers. That’s a given. We all are.
The answers are rarely what we think they are.
But they are also exactly what we think they are.
Thus the searching never ends, because the answers are often never the end.
The answers lead us farther on this journey towards God and His heart." -Ben Langevin

"The answers lead us farther on this journey towards God and His heart."

But what questions are we asking?

What do our questions stem from?

What do our questions do for the good of society?

Do our questions contribute to this journey towards God's heart?

Our answers to our most difficult questions, our most painful questions, our most heated questions, our most desperate questions, our most lonely questions, our most selfish questions...

...may just be in the questions themselves.