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Friday, October 2, 2015

Formation Friday: Tears of the Saints

In lieu of a Formation Friday post, I wanted to share this.

Perhaps the most important Formation Friday post I could share. It is an updated video of "Tears of the Saints".

We have shared the older one before so I thought it fitting to share this one with updated stats and an HD makeover. It is always a humbling reminder of our call here on earth. We are so privileged. If you are reading this post today, YOU are a part of the most privileged, educated, and well off demographic in the world.

So watch the video below, but here is the takeaway:

PRAY. Perhaps the most formative discipline a Christian can practice, and one that is always talked about but seldom practiced. We need to pray for God to raise up more workers (maybe you are one of them) and GO! We need to pray for those who have been sent, that they would remain steadfast, fixed on Christ and the mission He gave them, and that their hearts would be overwhelmed with love for the people they are reaching. And let us pray for the unreached people groups themselves. There are still 7,000 who have never been touched with the truly GOOD NEWS of the Jesus. 7,000 people groups living without any kind of hope whatsoever.

I hope that I can be a piece of this great mission we have upon us. Will you?

"The job is not done in the world that Christ gave us to do..."

"Father, we will lead them home."

"Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven, and the alternative is hell; and millions and and millions and millions are on their way there; and we have the only means of escape in our heads and in our hearts, Jesus Christ."

"This is an emergency!"

"So, count the cost brothers and sisters. This is not an invitation to an easy life. For 2000 years, thousands and thousands of missionaries, the unnamed-no biographies written about them, just unnamed people of whom the world is not worthy, have counted the cost and put their lives at risk and reached the lost with the only message of salvation."

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