Looking for Something?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hope is Holding on too

Could you imagine being the disciples of Jesus on this Saturday after the crucifixion?
What would be going on in your head?
What would you be thinking?
Today I want us to try and get inside the heads of the 11 remaining disciples. They are locked in the upper room not knowing what to say or do...
They are just there. Waiting.

This Holy Saturday is a day of waiting. It is a day of mourning. It is a day of fasting and prayer. It is a day where we remember that our Savior was silent.
And it is a day where we reflect on how great our God is, even in the silence.

Silently. We sit.
Patiently we wait.
Prayerfully we hope.
A stillness comes across our hearts.
Quiet voices like darts.

There's something more going on here.
Of which we have nothing to fear.
But there’s something else going on.
The Lord… he’s gone.

But is he?
They pondered.
His enemies…
They Remembered.

They feared his promise.
His words are ageless.

Sunday is coming.

But for now we sit.
That curtain just split.
What does it mean?
As we think about yesterday’s scene.

Friday… Oh Friday… How could such a day be good?

A definition… won’t fit.
Part of us would just want to quit.
But there is hope… a still small hope.
To hold on… it’s a struggle, like gripping wet soap.

How could this happen?
Why were we chosen?
The 11 of us left…
Judas’ space open cleft.
Who would have thought…
He would have left us so distraught.

This Saturday waiting… clenching… holding…
There’s something more to this tale…
There’s no way he could have been finished with a nail.

Why, what… How are we supposed to cope?
Our whole lives were given up for this hope.
This need, this feeling.
We knew he was something more, something new.
It was God with whom we were dealing.
Is this how God came to our rescue?
We don’t understand, but we don’t have anything more.
We’re stuck hoping on a chance, locked behind this door.

This Saturday is like all days before.
It’s over it’s finished.
But yet there is something more.

Sunday is coming.
There’s a new drum strumming.
Weakness is over us,
failing strength isn't a plus. 
What else can we do,
Hope is holding on too.

This day... We wait.
We are still.